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Type strictness & flexibility

The mapper is sensitive to the types of the data that is recursively populated — for instance a string "42" given to a node that expects an integer will make the mapping fail because the type is not strictly respected.

Array keys that are not bound to any node are forbidden. Mapping an array ['foo' => …, 'bar' => …, 'baz' => …] to an object that needs only foo and bar will fail, because baz is superfluous. The same rule applies for shaped arrays.

When mapping to a list, the given array must have sequential integer keys starting at 0; if any gap or invalid key is found it will fail, like for instance trying to map ['foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => 'bar'] to list<string>.

Types that are too permissive are not permitted — if the mapper encounters a type like mixed, object or array it will fail because those types are not precise enough.

If these limitations are too restrictive, the mapper can be made more flexible to disable one or several rule(s) declared above.

Enabling flexible casting

This setting changes the behaviours explained below:

$flexibleMapper = (new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())

// ---
// Scalar types will accept non-strict values; for instance an integer
// type will accept any valid numeric value like the *string* "42".

$flexibleMapper->map('int', '42');
// => 42

// ---
// List type will accept non-incremental keys.

$flexibleMapper->map('list<int>', ['foo' => 42, 'bar' => 1337]);
// => [0 => 42, 1 => 1338]

// ---
// If a value is missing in a source for a node that accepts `null`, the
// node will be filled with `null`.

    'array{foo: string, bar: null|string}',
    ['foo' => 'foo'] // `bar` is missing
// => ['foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => null]

// ---
// Array and list types will convert `null` or missing values to an empty
// array.

    'array{foo: string, bar: array<string>}',
    ['foo' => 'foo'] // `bar` is missing
// => ['foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => []]

Allowing superfluous keys

With this setting enabled, superfluous keys in source arrays will be allowed, preventing errors when a value is not bound to any object property/parameter or shaped array element.

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
        'array{foo: string, bar: int}',
            'foo' => 'foo',
            'bar' => 42,
            'baz' => 1337.404, // `baz` will be ignored

Allowing permissive types

This setting allows permissive types mixed and object to be used during mapping.

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
        'array{foo: string, bar: mixed}',
            'foo' => 'foo',
            'bar' => 42, // Could be any value