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Dealing with dates

When the mapper builds a date object, it has to know which format(s) are supported. By default, any valid timestamp or RFC 3339-formatted value will be accepted with or without microseconds.

If other formats are to be supported, they need to be registered using the following method:

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
    // Both `Cookie` and `ATOM` formats will be accepted
    ->supportDateFormats(DATE_COOKIE, DATE_ATOM)
    ->map(DateTimeInterface::class, 'Monday, 08-Nov-1971 13:37:42 UTC');

Custom date class implementation

By default, the library will map a DateTimeInterface to a DateTimeImmutable instance. If other implementations are to be supported, custom constructors can be used.

Here is an implementation example for the nesbot/carbon library:

(new MapperBuilder())
    // When the mapper meets a `DateTimeInterface` it will convert it to Carbon
    ->infer(DateTimeInterface::class, fn () => \Carbon\Carbon::class)

    // We teach the mapper how to create a Carbon instance
    ->registerConstructor(function (string $time): \Carbon\Carbon {
        // Only `Cookie` format will be accepted
        return Carbon::createFromFormat(DATE_COOKIE, $time);

    // Carbon uses its own exceptions, so we need to wrap it for the mapper
    ->filterExceptions(function (Throwable $exception) {
        if ($exception instanceof \Carbon\Exceptions\Exception) {
            return \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Message\MessageBuilder::from($exception);

        throw $exception;

    ->map(DateTimeInterface::class, 'Monday, 08-Nov-1971 13:37:42 UTC');