Common transformers examples¶
Instead of providing transformers out-of-the-box, this library focuses on easing the creation of custom ones. This way, the normalizer is not tied up to a third-party library release-cycle and can be adapted to fit the needs of the application's business logics.
Below is a list of common features that can inspire or be implemented by third-party libraries or applications.
These examples are not available out-of-the-box, they can be implemented using the library's API and should be adapted to fit the needs of the application.
- Customizing dates format
- Transforming property name to “snake_case”
- Ignoring properties
- Renaming properties
- Transforming objects
- Versioning API
Customizing dates format¶
By default, dates will be formatted using the RFC 3339 format, but it may be needed to use another format.
This can be done on all dates, using a global transformer, as shown in the example below:
Show code example — Global date format
(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
fn (\DateTimeInterface $date) => $date->format('Y/m/d')
new \My\App\Event(
eventName: 'Release of legendary album',
date: new \DateTimeImmutable('1971-11-08'),
// [
// 'eventName' => 'Release of legendary album',
// 'date' => '1971/11/08',
// ]
For a more granular control, an attribute can be used to target a specific property, as shown in the example below:
Show code example — Date format attribute
namespace My\App;
final class DateTimeFormat
public function __construct(private string $format) {}
public function normalize(\DateTimeInterface $date): string
return $date->format($this->format);
final readonly class Event
public function __construct(
public string $eventName,
public \DateTimeInterface $date,
) {}
(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
new \My\App\Event(
eventName: 'Release of legendary album',
date: new \DateTimeImmutable('1971-11-08'),
// [
// 'eventName' => 'Release of legendary album',
// 'date' => '1971/11/08',
// ]
Transforming property name to “snake_case”¶
Depending on the conventions of the data format, it may be necessary to transform the case of the keys, for instance from “camelCase” to “snake_case”.
If this transformation is needed on every object, it can be done globally by using a global transformer, as shown in the example below:
Show code example — global “snake_case” properties
namespace My\App;
final class CamelToSnakeCaseTransformer
public function __invoke(object $object, callable $next): mixed
$result = $next();
if (! is_array($result)) {
return $result;
$snakeCased = [];
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
$newKey = strtolower(preg_replace('/[A-Z]/', '_$0', lcfirst($key)));
$snakeCased[$newKey] = $value;
return $snakeCased;
(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
->registerTransformer(new \My\App\CamelToSnakeCaseTransformer())
new \My\App\User(
name: 'John Doe',
emailAddress: '',
age: 42,
country: new Country(
name: 'France',
countryCode: 'FR',
// [
// 'name' => 'John Doe',
// 'email_address' => 'john.doe@example', // snake_case
// 'age' => 42,
// 'country' => [
// 'name' => 'France',
// 'country_code' => 'FR', // snake_case
// ],
// ]
For a more granular control, an attribute can be used to target specific objects, as shown in the example below:
Show code example — “snake_case” attribute
namespace My\App;
final class SnakeCaseProperties
public function normalize(object $object, callable $next): array
$result = $next();
if (! is_array($result)) {
return $result;
$snakeCased = [];
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
$newKey = strtolower(preg_replace('/[A-Z]/', '_$0', lcfirst($key)));
$snakeCased[$newKey] = $value;
return $snakeCased;
final readonly class Country
public function __construct(
public string $name,
public string $countryCode,
) {}
(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
new \My\App\User(
name: 'John Doe',
emailAddress: '',
age: 42,
country: new Country(
name: 'France',
countryCode: 'FR',
// [
// 'name' => 'John Doe',
// 'emailAddress' => 'john.doe@example', // camelCase
// 'age' => 42,
// 'country' => [
// 'name' => 'France',
// 'country_code' => 'FR', // snake_case
// ],
// ]
Ignoring properties¶
Some objects might want to omit some properties during normalization, for instance, to hide sensitive data.
In the example below, an attribute is added on a property that will replace the value with a custom object that is afterward removed by a global transformer.
Show code example — Ignore property attribute
namespace My\App;
final class Ignore
public function normalize(mixed $value): IgnoredValue
return new \My\App\IgnoredValue();
final class IgnoredValue
public function __construct() {}
final readonly class User
public function __construct(
public string $name,
public string $password,
) {}
(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
fn (object $value, callable $next) => array_filter(
fn (mixed $value) => ! $value instanceof \My\App\IgnoredValue,
->normalize(new \My\App\User(
name: 'John Doe',
password: 's3cr3t-p4$$w0rd')
// ['name' => 'John Doe']
Renaming properties¶
Properties' names can differ between the object and the data format.
In the example below, an attribute is added on properties that need to be renamed during normalization
Show code example — Rename property attribute
namespace My\App;
final class Rename
public function __construct(private string $name) {}
public function normalizeKey(): string
return $this->name;
final readonly class Address
public function __construct(
public string $street,
public string $zipCode,
public string $city,
) {}
(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
new Address(
street: '221B Baker Street',
zipCode: 'NW1 6XE',
city: 'London',
// [
// 'street' => '221B Baker Street',
// 'zipCode' => 'NW1 6XE',
// 'town' => 'London',
// ]
Transforming objects¶
Some objects can have custom behaviors during normalization, for instance
properties may need to be remapped. In the example below, a transformer will
check if an object defines a normalize
method and use it if it exists.
Show code example — Custom object normalization
namespace My\App;
final readonly class Address
public function __construct(
public string $road,
public string $zipCode,
public string $town,
) {}
public function normalize(): array
return [
'street' => $this->road,
'postalCode' => $this->zipCode,
'city' => $this->town,
(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
->registerTransformer(function (object $object, callable $next) {
return method_exists($object, 'normalize')
? $object->normalize()
: $next();
new \My\App\Address(
road: '221B Baker Street',
zipCode: 'NW1 6XE',
town: 'London',
// [
// 'street' => '221B Baker Street',
// 'postalCode' => 'NW1 6XE',
// 'city' => 'London',
// ]
Versioning API¶
API versioning can be implemented with different strategies and algorithms. The example below shows how objects can implement an interface to specify their own specific versioning behavior.
Show code example — Versioning objects
namespace My\App;
interface HasVersionedNormalization
public function normalizeWithVersion(string $version): mixed;
final readonly class Address implements \My\App\HasVersionedNormalization
public function __construct(
public string $streetNumber,
public string $streetName,
public string $zipCode,
public string $city,
) {}
public function normalizeWithVersion(string $version): array
return match (true) {
version_compare($version, '1.0.0', '<') => [
// Street number and name are merged in a single property
'street' => "$this->streetNumber, $this->streetName",
'zipCode' => $this->zipCode,
'city' => $this->city,
default => get_object_vars($this),
function normalizeWithVersion(string $version): mixed
return (new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
fn (\My\App\HasVersionedNormalization $object) => $object->normalizeWithVersion($version)
new \My\App\Address(
streetNumber: '221B',
streetName: 'Baker Street',
zipCode: 'NW1 6XE',
city: 'London',
// Version can come for instance from HTTP request headers
$result_v0_4 = normalizeWithVersion('0.4');
$result_v1_8 = normalizeWithVersion('1.8');
// $result_v0_4 === [
// 'street' => '221B, Baker Street',
// 'zipCode' => 'NW1 6XE',
// 'city' => 'London',
// ]
// $result_v1_8 === [
// 'streetNumber' => '221B',
// 'streetName' => 'Baker Street',
// 'zipCode' => 'NW1 6XE',
// 'city' => 'London',
// ]