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Extending the normalizer

This library provides a normalizer out-of-the-box that can be used as-is, or extended to add custom logic. To do so, transformers must be registered within the MapperBuilder.

A transformer can be a callable (function, closure or a class implementing the __invoke() method), or an attribute that can target a class or a property.


You can find common examples of transformers in the next chapter.

Callable transformers

A callable transformer must declare at least one argument, for which the type will determine when it is used during normalization. In the example below, a global transformer is used to format any date found by the normalizer.

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
        fn (\DateTimeInterface $date) => $date->format('Y/m/d')
        new \My\App\Event(
            eventName: 'Release of legendary album',
            date: new \DateTimeImmutable('1971-11-08'),

// [
//     'eventName' => 'Release of legendary album',
//     'date' => '1971/11/08',
// ]

Transformers can be chained. To do so, a second parameter of type callable must be declared in a transformer. This parameter — named $next by convention — can be used whenever needed in the transformer logic.

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())

    // The type of the first parameter of the transformer will determine when it
    // is used during normalization.
        fn (string $value, callable $next) => strtoupper($next())

    // Transformers can be chained, the last registered one will take precedence
    // over the previous ones, which can be called using the `$next` parameter.
         * Advanced type annotations like `non-empty-string` can be used to
         * target a more specific type.
         * @param non-empty-string $value 
        fn (string $value, callable $next) => $next() . '!'

    // A priority can be given to a transformer, to make sure it is called
    // before or after another one. The higher priority, the sooner the
    // transformer will be called. The default priority is 0.
         * @param non-empty-string $value 
        fn (string $value, callable $next) => $next() . '?',
        priority: 100

    ->normalize('Hello world'); // HELLO WORLD!?

Attribute transformers

Callable transformers allow targeting any value during normalization, whereas attribute transformers allow targeting a specific class or property for a more granular control.

To be detected by the normalizer, an attribute class must be registered first by adding the AsTransformer attribute to it.

Attributes must declare a method named normalize that follows the same rules as callable transformers: a mandatory first parameter and an optional second callable parameter.

namespace My\App;

final class Uppercase
    public function normalize(string $value, callable $next): string
        return strtoupper($next());

final readonly class City
    public function __construct(
        public string $zipCode,
        public string $name,
        public string $country,
    ) {}

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
        new \My\App\City(
            zipCode: 'NW1 6XE',
            name: 'London',
            country: 'United Kingdom',

// [
//     'zipCode' => 'NW1 6XE',
//     'name' => 'LONDON',
//     'country' => 'UNITED KINGDOM',
// ]

If an attribute needs to transform the key of a property, it needs to declare a method named normalizeKey.

namespace My\App;

final class PrefixedWith
    public function __construct(private string $prefix) {}

    public function normalizeKey(string $value): string
        return $this->prefix . $value;

final readonly class Address
    public function __construct(
        public string $road,
        public string $zipCode,
        public string $city,
    ) {}

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
        new \My\App\Address(
            road: '221B Baker Street',
            zipCode: 'NW1 6XE',
            city: 'London',

// [
//     'address_road' => '221B Baker Street',
//     'address_zipCode' => 'NW1 6XE',
//     'address_city' => 'London',
// ]

When there is no control over the transformer attribute class, it is possible to register it using the registerTransformer method.

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())

It is also possible to register attributes that share a common interface by giving the interface name to the registration method.

namespace My\App;

interface SomeAttributeInterface {}

final class SomeAttribute implements \My\App\SomeAttributeInterface {}

final class SomeOtherAttribute implements \My\App\SomeAttributeInterface {}

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
    // Registers both `SomeAttribute` and `SomeOtherAttribute` attributes